UC United envisions a future in which all graduate students, including international and nontraditional students, have access to diverse and inclusive union representation that fights for better working conditions for graduate student workers. We believe all workers, including graduate student workers, can and should be able to pursue their education in safety, dignity, comfort, and community.
UC United is a collective of graduate students organizing for fair and equitable labor conditions at the University of Cincinnati. Ohio law does not respect the rights of graduate students to unionize at public universities; we aim to change that. We fight for the safety of all students from the exploitative, white supremacist, ableist, patriarchal, and imperialist culture at our university.
Our aim is for graduate student workers to have access to a true living wage, free and comprehensive healthcare, effective and accessible reporting avenues for abuse, graduate student representation in university decision-making, and financial transparency from the university.
Workers are more powerful together than we are alone. Therefore, we believe unionization and collective action are the best tools for changing unfair working conditions and making graduate student workers’ voices heard. As students, researchers, and academic professionals, pursuing higher education should not be a burden for any of us, and we believe all graduate students have a right to comfort, safety, and equity as they complete their degrees.
The ultimate goal of this organizing body is to either pursue voluntary recognition from the University of Cincinnati or to band together with graduate students across Ohio to change state laws regarding recognition. Below is our plan to achieve this.